My Someday is Today!

There are times when life seems like a stream making its way through the contours of a riverbed, gently flowing over the rocks toward a larger tributary.  Time is marked by the passing minutes and hours with no sense of urgency to them.

Have you ever experienced a time when the ride is wild and the whitewater is swift?  A time where the journey is unpredictable when uncertainty invites its way into the raft.

Have you ever felt like your boat was about to flip and action needs to be taken NOW?  My bet is we all have been in this boat frantically paddling!

Lastly, aren’t there times where life seems like a lazy river?  You know the water is moving beneath the surface.  However, atop the water line time seems to stand still – a time where your cares or aspirations beckon consideration for another day.

Times like this do have therapeutic value.  There is healing in those moments when you simply need to think of nothing and allow yourself the luxury of catching your breath. It is OK to take a “chill pill” when the prescription warrants the dose.

However, rowing on the lazy river can be deceptive as well.  When left unchecked your oars might be in the water, but you seem to be going nowhere.

In all honesty, there are times you may appear to be going nowhere fast – losing yourself in the midday sun or the watching the passing clouds.  Suddenly, you look at the riverbank and the scenery is unfamiliar and the current has pulled you far downstream!

Have you ever made statements like, “I’ll get to it tomorrow” or “Tomorrow will take care of itself”?

Perhaps words like these have rolled off your tongue:

  • “Someday I plan on taking that trip
  • Someday I will visit my Mom or Dad or Son or Daughter
  • Someday I will write a book
  • Someday I will change my eating and / or exercise habits”
  • Someday I will invest money
  • Someday I will ask forgiveness of….”

Much like the lazy river, moments roll unsuspectingly into minutes.  Minutes transition into days and without you fully realizing it the passing of time makes its way downstream – into weeks, months, years, decades, and regretfully lifetimes!

All you have is today  – Someday is NOT guaranteed!

The “someday’s” once muttered in innocence formed a habit and have caused you to take up residence in the Land of Regrets!  The current may have pulled you far downstream and you’re not sure how to get to the riverbank or back upstream.

What’s one to do?

Wasn’t it Neil Armstrong who said, “One small step for man, one giant leap for mankind”? when he took the initial step and became the first man to walk on the moon?

You will not roll back the hands of time, but you can take an initial step toward making “someday” a reality by doing something today.

One small step is all it takes.

For years I have had a dream to author a book.  A friend of mine gave me a title long ago, “Bucko’s Guide to Marital Harmony”.  She is still asking for an autographed copy!

Although I am not sure that’s where the raft is headed with that particular book, the point is my “someday” never came.  I had to break the cycle.  I had to do something – today!

After all, the “Good Book” says, “faith without works is dead”.  Action is needed. The verdict is still out on my book.

Guess what?

I am actually rowing the boat on the river now and I am taking steps toward that end – I am doing something, today.

Don’t fret the book is coming! The goal of writing it has been set and I am paddling downstream intentionally.

What can you do today to make your “someday” a reality?

I’d love for you to join in the conversation and share your thoughts. 



Please note: I reserve the right to delete comments that are offensive or off-topic.

12 thoughts on “My Someday is Today!

  1. I try to explore all possibilities, leaving “no stone unturned” when I get chances & God provides the way, I to go, be, do, thanking Jesus for the life He has given me!

  2. Your day is here brother. I am sure you will hit a few rocks travrling down the river, however remember that the struggle that you see today will lead to strength that you will see tomorrow. Good luck and God bless you in your endeavour.

  3. Great thoughts, well written. So happy you are getting a start on your book. I can’t wait to read it. You are a very good writer so I have no doubt that it will be a good one.

  4. Thanks for writing, Bruce. I’m reminded of the daughter who said her mom said they would do ‘so and so’ someday. The daughter said she can’t find someday on the calendar. A nice reminder that I just need to do it. We need to choose days that are on the calendar! 🙂 As you say: today! That’s all we got.

  5. I understand this feeling – so much of my life has been wrapped in “somedays” – I am so excited to be finally doing something with my books but I have so much more to do – Thanks for the encouragement!!

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