Pushing Against the Rock

Have you ever had one of those days where it seems as if you are beating your head against the proverbial wall? Picture this, no matter how you attempt to tackle a given problem you are left at the starting blocks and your feet are not moving. If we are honest about it, most of […]

Guard Your Heart

Please accept this invitation to step back in time with me to an encounter I experienced nearly a half-century ago. High school graduation was in the rear view mirror and the door to my college experience flung open. Although a story for another day I met the young woman, Jackie, who eventually would become my […]

Immanuel, God With Us

It is good to periodically take time to reflect and remember. In a recent post I inferred we are at the time of year where reflection typically occurs more often than not as the old transitions to the new. The passage of time carries with it certain events or milestones attained in life. As individuals […]

Trusting When You Cannot See

The word trust has been on the forefront of my mind lately. As a practical matter, our currency affirms “In God We Trust”. If our money establishes a reason to trust in God, wherein lies the difficulty in doing so? True confession, I am challenged with trusting many times on a daily basis. My heart […]

Get in the Game – VOTE!

When I was a kid my life centered around playing sports. More specifically, I played various levels of baseball for the town in which I was raised. Additionally, I was a member of my high school’s basketball team. Whether it was baseball or basketball, I saw much playing time in both sports. On occasion, my […]


In the course of living life, one inevitably comes to a point of longing for that which is familiar. In the 1939 film, The Wizard of Oz, Dorothy declares in cinematic fashion “There’s no place like home. There’s no place like home”, while the Scarecrow, the Cowardly Lion, and the Tin Man join forces to […]

He Is Always On Time

Play along with me for a moment. As a by-product of your employment you are required to travel periodically. Initially doing so had a sense of mystique and expectation with it. However, it has now become routine as you are in and out of airport terminals more than you care to admit and you expect […]


An educated guess tells me we share a similar point of view. As a kid, school most likely was a dreaded yet necessary function of everyday life. The lyrics are etched in my psyche. “School days, school days good ol’e golden rule days. Reading and writing and arithmetic…blah, blah, blah.” When the calendar announced that […]