This past Saturday was a perfect day.

The sunlight was brilliant and the air was crisp.

The clouds were puffy white, with a gentle, cool summer breeze escorting them across the Windsor skyline.

We were in the company of our two stroller bound grandchildren, Danalyn and Garrett, as their Mom and Dad were off for some alone time.

As we made our way through the Windsor Royal Shopping open market, a small crowd gathered.

Both of the children fell fast asleep as we made our way through the small group of people.

We had to stop and take in the moment.

The unexpected snuck up on us and invited itself into our world, even for a brief moment or two.

It was a gift of God given to us by a complete stranger.  Please allow me to share it with you in this short video.

A young woman, Jennifer Coleman, with the voice of an angel offered her gift to any and all who would listen.

Jackie and I stood in awe of what we heard, simply enjoying the moment.

I was overwhelmed with emotion, tears streaming down my face and my voice quivering as I tried to explain to Jackie what I was experiencing.

God met me in the moment and it is one which I will not forget. The gift of song completely swept over me like a wave at the ocean.

You may or may not enjoy classical music. It was my first dip in this pool.

However, it would be well worth your time to check out what this young woman has to offer as she attempts to support her studies at The Royal College of Music in London.

Her collection, Simple Gifts, is outstanding!

Seth Godin in his book, Tribes, talks about one offering their art to those who would follow. It does not have to be perfect art, simply art offered and improved upon in the process.

You do not have to sing soprano.

Nor do you have to paint formally as my sister-in-law, Joan, does. Although I may be biased her art is well worth the time to stop by her online gallery.

You simply have to offer what you may have.

Your offering could be:

  • The gift of working with children as my wife offers each day of the school year.
  • A smile offered to a stranger.
  • Making someone laugh.
  • Doing the dishes while visiting another’s home.
  • Creating masterful cupcakes to share with a neighbor.

My encouragement to you is this. Please offer your gift, whatever it may be, with those in your world.

You never know when what you have to offer might make another’s day!

How might this post encourage you to share whatever gift you might have to offer?


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