So Close!

Unless you have been transported back in time or launched to another planet, it would be difficult to imagine one not tuning into some aspect of the Winter Olympics from Sochi.Flags in DC

The media coverage is everywhere. It is hard to avoid and it most certainly captures one’s attention.

In an alleged match-up between “Winter Olympics” vs. “Summer Olympics”, the snowy, frozen version of the O-games wins hands down – at least in my opinion.

You might differ, fair enough.

The pace is fast and the various events have the appeal of a winter sports smorgasbord to the novice as well as seasoned sports nut.

Days, weeks, months, and years of training and sacrifice are expended by the athletes involved – no matter the event, be it skiing, bobsled, figure skating, ski jump, luge, hockey, and the crazy fly-through-the-air-backwards-forwards-upside down events that defy logic.


GarrettThere are moments in this game called life that hurt, leaving the emotions wanting for something far better than the wounds we endure.

There are other moments where the gearshift seems to be lodged in neutral, giving one a sense they are neither coming nor going.

Finally, there are moments in the human experience that take our breath away, those instants leaving us wanting for words to speak as we soak in the silence of a slice of time labeled the present.

Remember Who You Are

Do any of you recall lazy Saturday mornings growing up as a kid?


  • Your eyelids lifted gently to the light of day when you awoke versus when you had to get up, as in going to school.
  • Perhaps the smell of breakfast cooking invited you to emerge from your bed to come downstairs, still in your PJ’s, sleepy eyes and all.
  • Your Mom or Dad greeted you, you chowed down, and then you were off to watch your favorite cartoons for a little while.

Shut It Down!

We’re a week into the New Year, how are those resolutions going?

A U.S Government survey, shows a little less than half of all Americans make some kind of New Year’s resolution, but most don’t keep them:

  • 75% will last a week.
  • 64% will keep them for a month.
  • Only 46% will ever make it to the six month mark.

The Days End

landscapes (2)

The evenings seem to roll around quickly. The sun sets on a frozen lake, almost mirror-like in presence.   It is a vibrant reminder of the light of day now concluding with waterfowl flying in formation.  The nights are cold and sometimes snowy, leaving a chilly imprint as day turns into night.


It is Christmas morning 2013. 

I can’t sleep as thoughts spin around and around in my mind like a dryer finishing a load.  The house is dark except for the lone light on in the room in which I occupy.  There is no more acreage on the living room floor under and around the tree save for the presents.

The child (and adults) in the house will be rising soon enough, the day will begin, and Present Fest 2013 will commence.  Less acreage to be had on the living room floor!


Mom at Wedding

Ann C. McCauley / January 31,1922 – December 24, 2012

This Christmas Eve marks the one year anniversary of the passing of a dear family member.  She now lives in eternity with her Lord.  Her words live on in her poems.  In her honor, I would like to share two of her poems.  She would have been delighted to share them with you as an early Christmas present.