Does Father Really Know Best?

It’s been almost thirteen years since my father’s passing. During his illness time moved slowly in some respects and swiftly in others like they were experienced dance partners. The strong man I once knew was diagnosed with stomach cancer in February, 2001 only to be ravaged and weakened to the point of surrender immediately prior […]

“As a leader you’ve got to keep growing, keep stretching, keep learning…it’s about personal growth.  If you keep growing personally, whatever you are leading whether it is a team or a ministry, it is going to grow.”

4.IX Orchestra Sinfonica Nazionale della Rai

Regent University Christian Leader - Interview with Mark Batterson, author and pastor (Virginia Beach, VA: Regent Univeristy - Office of Alumni Relations, 2014), 16

Allow me to make a suggestion.

If you have opened the email announcing this post or you stumbled upon my website and found this entry, do yourself a favor.

Find ten minutes where you can be quiet and absolutely alone with your thoughts before watching the video clip. It will be well worth the few minutes you spend doing so.

About a month ago I was out of town for a funeral and had the opportunity to reconnect with my best man, Dave, on the trip back home.

During the course of our conversation Dave did what true friends do even when they have not seen each other or spoken in quite some time.

Dave spoke truth into my life when truth was absolutely the prescription needed.

As Dave listened to what I had to say, he assessed beliefs I held about myself in a particular dimension of my life. He kindly surmised I was placing limitations on myself which did not need to exist.

It was an eye opener for me and I am very grateful for his words, even though the truth stung a little.

A few days later I came across this post by Michael Hyatt entitled, “Are Your Beliefs Keeping You Stuck? “, which dealt with the topic of limiting beliefs.

Michael’s excellent post is self-explanatory.  With respect to my own limiting beliefs his words were spot on!

The video clip is from the movie, Facing the Giants.

Are there beliefs you hold about yourself that are keeping your car parked and going nowhere fast?

If so, perhaps it is time you allow the “coach” to get in your ear urging you on with words like:

• “Keep moving!”
• “Don’t quit on me!”
• “Keep driving!”
• “Give me everything you got until you have nothing left!”
• “It’s all heart from here!”
• “Don’t stop!”
• “Give me more!”
• “You can!”
• “Empty your tank!”
• “You are in the end zone!”

You are a person of influence.  You might not think so.  However, you are!

Your influence might be in large company or leading a church.

It may be small,  but extremely significant as in leading your family.

Eyes are watching you.

If you walk around defeated and are holding back, chances are those you influence will follow your lead.

I know what this movie (and clip) does for me.

Allow it to speak to you.

The question remains – Have you given your absolute best?

“The main thing I want people to understand is this: The person who has the most to do with what happens to you in life is YOU.  It’s not the environment and it’s not other people. God has given you these opportunities for a reason and not just to squander them.”

Photo Courtesy of Brittany Castillejo



Benjamin S. Carson Sr., Pediatric Neurosurgeon speaking at Regent University's 34th Commencement ceremony. (Virginia Beach: Regent University, IMPACT - Volume 5, Issue May 2014 Page 1)

Are There Winds of Change Blowing in Your Life?

WAH Bootcamp Photo Courtesy of Bruce R. Cross

I love thunderstorms. Although it might not be the smartest thing to do, I love to stand on my deck and gaze into the world above when a thunderstorm is brewing.

There is something inside of me which shouts “awesome!” when the sky darkens as the clouds are being stirred in a caldron of odd shapes and sizes as they move across the meteorological canvass overhead.

Is There Something Keeping You Stuck?

Plumbing, FTW

When you were a kid did you ever hear the song called Dem Bones?

The lyrics followed a pattern similar to this:

The toe bone connected to the foot bone; the foot bone connected to the heel bone; the heel bone connected to the ankle bone; the ankle bone connected to the shin bone; this bone is connected to that bone, etc., etc., etc.”