The A-B-C’s of Words

Words. Have you ever thought about how words exist and more importantly why they exist? Recently, I had the opportunity to spend time with my three year old grandson, Leighton. He is at such a fun age and to see him in person versus over video chat enhanced the grandpa experience. Leighton is all about […]

The Father is Collecting Your Tears in a Bottle

On the surface vulnerability is something most of us tend to avoid. Like a buried treasure we often find it yields great value. According to, one definition for vulnerability is the “willingness to show emotion or to allow one’s weaknesses to be seen or known; a willingness to risk being emotionally hurt.” In her […]

The Little Things Are The Big Things

Whether intentionally designed or circumstantially created there are seasons in life where the Pause Button gets pushed, allowing for some life-space to exist which might not be quite evident or available. Now is one of those times in my life. I tend to avoid drawing attention to myself where possible. However, in this case it […]