
It’s the time of year where advertisers are clamoring for their share of Father’s Day gift dollars.

The top-of-mind question is “What should I get for the special man (or men) in my life?”

I had to chuckle recently as I saw an ad providing the following gift giving scenario.

The dilemma – a choice between a box of premium steaks offered by a well known on-line retailer of high-quality beef or a necktie.

Let me ponder this a moment. Da, a no brainer for sure!

Although I do not anticipate receiving any steaks, I can tell you that my necktie wearing days are long gone albeit for the periodic special occasion.

As an ad tagline of yesteryear once asked, Where’s the beef?

It would be natural for me to hit the default button and think of Father’s Day in terms of my own Dad.

It’s been nearly twenty-three years since his passing and I think of him often. Dad was not overly verbal, but when he did speak his words were to the point and left a lasting impression.

The one thing I understood about him was this – I knew I was his son. That is more than enough for me to absorb and cherish.

Here’s Dad being his zany self doing his infamous ostrich walk!

My wife and I have been married nearly forty-six years. We have shared all which life has ushered our way on this faith adventure.

Some roads traveled have left us jubilant while others have been difficult.

During our journey together we have been blessed to be the parents of three daughters – Jessica, Bethany, and Brittany.

Although my hair has grayed and I have a bare patch on top, I am eternally grateful to be called and known as their Daddy.

If you were to ask me what I consider my greatest treasures, my instantaneous response would be partnering with the love of my life and best friend, Jackie.

Next in line would be the honor of being called Daddy by my three gals.

Scripture is spot on when it refers to life as a vapor. One day we welcomed each of our children into our lives. We raised them and then watched them leave the nest. Now we share their lives with their husbands and their children.

What seems like yesterday happened a lifetime ago – where has the time gone?

Rather than focus on my Dad or my own experiences as a father, the relationship I value the most is the one in which I call God as Father.

Over the past six months since I experienced bypass surgery, there has been a deepening in the relationship with my Father.

This relationship is not religious in nature, but one set on a son coming to understand and know his Father on a deeper, personal level. I am grateful He has sustained me and allowed me to have more time with those I love.

As I wrote in a prior post, I have come to know this of Him:

I am your Father.
You are my son.
I am absolutely good.
You can trust Me.

I am good with all four bullet points, especially the first three. However, I will admit to periodically wrestling with the last one – You can trust Me.

It’s not that I do not trust my Father. He has always come through in my life, especially in difficult seasons.

Proverbs describes it like this:

“Trust in the Lord with all your heart; do not depend on your own understanding. Seek His will in all you do, and He will show you which path to take.” (Proverbs 3:5-6 NLT)

It’s easy to trust when there is light on the path ahead. It gets increasingly difficult to trust when our focus is upon the circumstances which envelope us and not on the One who can help us navigate the murky waters.

“And because we are his children, God has sent the Spirit of his Son into our hearts, prompting us to call out, “Abba, Father.”” (Galatians 4:6 NLT)

I love referring to God as Abba. It’s the same as calling Him Daddy and is a term of intimacy and endearment towards the One I cannot live without.

In my post-surgical recovery world, I have whispered His name on a daily basis as I gain the confidence to move forward during a time in my life which has been anything but normal. His presence has been palatable and I am grateful to be here to call Him Abba.

I have come to experience the following – my Father guides, He protects, He provides, He loves me, He is a source of strength, He welcomes me into His open arms even when I mess up, and He sacrificed His only Son on my behalf.

His attributes are without end.

It’s easy to trust when the One in whom you trust is worthy. My Abba is all I need.

At a recent service at Life Center, our home church, a simple refrain in a song we sang reaffirmed a deep truth – God as Father can be trusted.

This Father’s Day I would like to share the song, Always Faithful, written by David Leach of Life Center Worship and Jason Upton.

In the video below, the song can be found at the 44:20 through 56:30 time stamp.

My hope and prayer is that you emphatically know your Father can be trusted no matter your circumstances.

May this be the song in your heart and the anthem you sing.

“Wherever I go. Wherever You lead. I will trust You. Cause You are all I need.”

This Father’s Day, if your Dad is still with you love on him.

More importantly, please know there is One who desires for you to call Him Abba and He longs for you to love on Him as “…all who are led by the Spirit of God are children of God.” (Romans 8:14 NLT)

Happy Father’s Day, Abba!