The Path of Totality of Darkness

Several weeks have passed since the celestial event of the year, the solar eclipse of 2024, occurred.

The eyes of the nation and the world looked upward, with proper eye-wear of course, to witness “the heavens declaring the glory of God, and the sky above proclaiming His handiwork.” (Psalms 19:1 NLT)

People flocked from around the nation to be anywhere near or within The Path of Totality of Darkness to experience firsthand this once-in-a-lifetime solar event.

Hotel prices during this period soared to accommodate the crowds as merchants positioned themselves to cash in on this extravaganza.

Budget hotels normally charging less than $100 per night commanded rates nearing ten times the regular rate. High-end, luxury hotel rates exceeded prices of several thousand dollars per night for a place to lay one’s head and freshen up while getting a glimpse of the action. In style of course.

At face value to hear the words, The Path of Totality of Darkness, sounds ominous, foreboding, and in some ways, evil.

In astronomical terms, a solar eclipse occurs when the Moon passes between the Sun and Earth, casting a shadow on Earth that either fully or partially blocks the Sun’s light in some areas.

On a personal level as we experience a figurative moon passing between the Son and the planet called Us it casts a shadow on Us which fully or partially blocks the Son’s light in our lives.

During a solar eclipse, the transition from light to darkness and back to light lasts for a brief window of time over a given geographic location.

When a shadow is cast on the planet called Us, what most likely is a momentary reality appears to be longer as the Son’s light is blocked or so we might think.

We are consumed with the darkness surrounding us and we are left grappling with how to respond.

Perceived delays to our prayers for one issue or another facilitates “hope deferred making the heart sick” while we await “desires fulfilled to become a tree of life”. (Proverbs 13:12 NLT)

God always hears and always answers our prayers, but not necessarily in the way we might always expect.

The one thing I have learned over time is that Father truly does know best.

One way to dispel the apparent darkness of our own personal eclipses is to remember and recount God’s faithfulness to us.

It can be summarized in the phrase “look what the Lord has done” as we apply it to the day-to-day moments of our lives.

Remembering to thank Him for blessings like, safe travels, provision through work endeavors, watching a funny movie, the laughter of a child playing, or having food on our tables is a good place to start.

At other times recalling His goodness for big hitter items like providing for the replacement HVAC unit, meeting a specific financial need, His healing during a health crisis, or protection during a car accident magnifies His goodness and faithfulness.

Can I be honest with you?

I am looking in an imaginary mirror at the moment and speaking to my one man choir.

I need reminded of the countless times my Father has met me in the shadows, dispelling the darkness, and shining His light on whatever the personal situation required.

Several years ago, in preparation for a prayer counseling session we had with a friend, I was led to construct a time line of my (our) life. I will spare you the point-by-point details.

However, this exercise took me several hours and identified the good, the bad, and the in-between events of my (our) life. Many tears flowed as I took stock of our inventory of life occurrences. I periodically update it and am about due for another revision. Translated, more things for which to be thankful.

As a side note, I would highly recommend an exercise like this for you in which to endeavor. In doing so, it will help you recall and remember how faithful God has been in your life.

Our personal paths of totality of darkness will come and will go.

The remedy to accelerate the process is in remembering and recounting His faithfulness.

It will allow you to let “the light to shine in the (momentary) darkness where the darkness can never extinguish it.” (John 1:5 NLT)

I encourage you to recall and remember a time where God met you at your place of need and where He demonstrated His faithfulness to you.

Please accept my invitation to share if you care to do so.

Until next time, He is faithful!