
It is Christmas morning 2013. 

I can’t sleep as thoughts spin around and around in my mind like a dryer finishing a load.  The house is dark except for the lone light on in the room in which I occupy.  There is no more acreage on the living room floor under and around the tree save for the presents.

The child (and adults) in the house will be rising soon enough, the day will begin, and Present Fest 2013 will commence.  Less acreage to be had on the living room floor!

The invitation to write comes to me.

Do I RSVP affirmatively to the invitation or slip back under the covers to catch a few more winks?

I toss and turn for several minutes, only to decide to stop the spin cycle and sit at my keyboard.  I suppose you figured this out since you are reading this now.

For some strange reason my mind mulls over the opening scene of Frank Capra’s, It’s a Wonderful Life, as I watched it for the umpteenth time last week.

The movie, or more accurately the message of the movie, served as a lighthouse to me as I navigated the then murky waters in which my boat seemed anchored many years ago. It helped guide the way for me.

It’s an annual reminder of being in a dark spot at one point and a glimmer of hope coming my way.

An answer to the silent, but constantly-on-my-mind prayers once offered.

I recall the first time I saw this movie in the mid-to-late in 1980’s.  Friends had invited us and a few other couples over for dinner on an early December night.  The after dinner fare was to attend the showing of It’s a Wonderful Life at the Hershey Theater, the yuletide edition of their monthly classic films series.

Back to the opening scene.  Today’s special effects would dwarf those in the movie’s opening scene.  However, they get the point across.

Prayers are being launched heavenward on behalf of George by many of his friends as he is in trouble.  He is at the intersection of a Rock and a Hard Place.

Cheap cosmic lights twinkle, signifying a conversation between God and Clarence, George’s soon to be dispatched guardian angel sent from heaven to lend George a hand on Earth.

I can recall sitting in the theater watching the opening scene and bawling my eyes out.  The movie was only minutes old.


In a nutshell, I related. 

Something (or should I say Someone) tapped me on the shoulder and touched me at the core and said, “It is going to be OK”.

My hunch is at one time or another you can relate too.  You were or are in a hard spot.  Life is pressing in on you.  Hope seems elusive at best.  It seems only a flicker of light shines and is about to be snuffed out.

The question, Where do I turn?” eats at you and lingers like a dull toothache.

The answer comes in the form of a directive – “Call to me and I will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know”. (Jeremiah 33:3)

I know at times it seem as if your prayers leave your lips and go no further than the ceiling, apparently bouncing back to slap you on the cheek.  That’s assuming you pray at all.

As the saying goes, “Been there, done that, bought the T-shirt”.  

You may feel unworthy.  The thought hits you, “I have not prayed in years.  What’s the use?” 

Your part in the production is to “Call”. 

Allow the answer to unfold.  It may occur in a flash.  Chances are it will take some time, as events in our lives are used to process and refine us.

As the movie depicts you may get a bumbling angel, like Clarence, seeking an assignment to earn his wings.  Most likely not.

The “Answer” to your prayers is being cast by the Director.  It is not up to you.  Play your part.  Let Him play His.

Who knows, you may get the likes of someone like me or your wacko next door neighbor to play a supporting role.

Whatever the case, you will get an answer!

The movie nears its end.  George reaches the end of his rope.  From a bar stool he calls.  Clarence is about to get his chance at earning those wings, the answer to George’s prayers.

You, like George, truly do have a Wonderful Life.  You may not see it but you do!

I could not think of a better gift to unwrap this day.



He will answer!

Let Him be The Gift He desires to be.

Your answer…to seeing your wonderful life!


Enjoy this day with your family and friends – Merry CHRISTmas!