The Magic of Prunes

Are you feeling a little sluggish today? 


Do you feel a little stuck and not moving forward? 

Is life cramping your style? 

If so, I have good news for you.   Your solution might be found in the phrase, The Magic of Prunes!


I repeated this phrase daily to our team while on a multi-day cycling adventure this summer.  Much like a fancy hotel that places a delectable piece of chocolate on your pillow, I took it upon myself to place a few individually wrapped prunes on the pillows of my cycling pals.

Ingest three of those babies before beddy-bye time and voila, the morning magic is worked!

Things “flowed” smoothly.  We needed to insure having a “movement” before we got moving.  “Regularity” was a must!

The last thing one wants on a four day, 340 mile trek is to, you know, feel “stuck”.   It would make for a long day otherwise.  We encountered enough obstacles.  Poor digestion did not need to be one of them.

Yes, we are briefly going to talk about “poop” on this post.

If Oprah can talk about it, why can’t I? 

I have only seen one episode of Oprah’s show and you guessed it, the topic was about poop.   It sounded interesting.  Everybody poops.  Lots of beneficial health information was obtained.  I was able to pick up a few good tips.

It has been said that one definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.

Much like we had to be intentional about our digestive habits while on our trip, we also have to be intentional about making progress other aspects of life.

  • Maybe the prune you need to ingest is taking a brisk walk to kick start your system and clearing the cobwebs from your mind.    The physical is directly connected to other areas of your life.
  • Perhaps your progress forward is best served by taking an apparent step backward – taking “five” to unwind and slow down a little.  Time to put things into perspective.
  • When we were in financial crisis a few short years ago, our step forward came in the form of acknowledging there was an issue that needed to be addressed. Like a cold pal of water being thrown on us, we had to look the problem in the eye and meet it head on.

We were afraid. We were concerned. We were paralyzed. We needed a way out. It would not be easy.

The answer came in the form of a middle-of-the-night desperation prayer and being led to and then following Dave Ramsey’s financial plan. That is part of our story.

What things have you feeling somewhat constipated?

There is never one easy answer.  However, there IS an answer.

Much like the prunes working their morning magic, there are steps you can intentionally take to begin the process of moving forward.

It all begins with the first step. 

You may be in the middle of an overwhelming situation.  I get that.  You are worth the investment of YOU trying – I believe you will be surprised at what occurs!

How can you put one foot in front of another, daring to believe things can be different?





Please note: I reserve the right to delete comments that are offensive or off-topic.

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