Happy 238 America!

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Today is America’s 238th birthday!  From the days when America was a dream in the hearts of the founders until today, much has changed.

Despite the changes, we live freely in the greatest country in the world.

We will gather today for picnics, parades, time with family, cookouts, and of course, fireworks displays.

As we do, I would like to share a poem written by my late mother-in-law, Ann McCauley.

I came across the following notes Ann recorded as she penned these words.

“These verses were written while the Star Spangled Banner was being played on the TV before a football game. The words came into my mind so fast I could hardly get them down on paper. This was some 30 plus years ago.”

Ann was patriotic to the core.  She loved the country in which she lived and enjoyed the freedoms we all experience. She would have been honored to share this with you!


Photo Courtesy of Brittany Castillejo

A Nation’s Prayer

Father God we do pray, for our nation this day

that our land may be healed and our faith in Thee sealed.

Let us fall on our knees, all repent of wrong deeds.

That have led us astray , wandering far from Your ways.

May our voices acclaim to the world your Son’s name.

We pray our country might be one of unity in Thee.

And may we stand together as soldiers of the Cross.

Declaring to all men life in Thee is not lost !

by Ann C. McCauley © 1982


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