Big Enough

Back of Loaded CarAn invasion took place this past weekend.  The troops landed, occupied both high and low ground, engaged the natives, and have since retreated back to headquarters.

Their return convoy looked like a scene out of the Beverly Hillbillies, “come listen to a story about a man named Jed…as he loaded up the truck and moved to Beverly…Hills that is“.

Their mission to hang out with their Papa and Gammy while giving their parents a small break from the responsibilities associated with two, small children  was accomplished.

In command of the invading force was Captain Danalyn, the protective, three year old sister and her private-first-class, two month old brother, Garrett.

The battlefield, formerly known as our living room, looked like a shelving unit from Toys R Them crashed and burned in our midst.

Kid stuff and baby stuff was everywhere, as far as the eye could see.

Baby bottles, books, diapers, puzzles, board games, Sippy cups, baby dolls, formula, their special snacks, stuffed animals from every species, dress ups, car seats – to name a few.

Did I mention I understand why couples have kids when they in are in their twenty’s and thirty’s?

A nap is very inviting to me – post invasion!

It was a complete joy for us to have them in our home, bringing back a little of yesteryear to our empty nest environment.  It was a slice of Life served to us on a platter in a simple, but meaningful form.

There is always a conversation or two to be remembered, ones that tickle the funny-bone.  They are typically voiced at the dinner table or in the car and are always unscripted.

D: “Babies sure are smelly.”

Me: “Why do you think they are smelly?”

D: “God made them that way!”


D: “Can I have some chocolate?”

Me: “Sure.  How did you get to like chocolate?” (assuming she would cite a genetic tendency passed to her by her Mommy)

D: “Jesus wanted me to like chocolate!”


D: “How big is God?

Me: “God is very big.  He can do anything!” (I was caught off guard by the simple yet deep nature of the question from a three year old and thinking about how to explain it in a way that would be meaningful to her.)

D: Yes He can!

As we were traveling back from the “let’s meet Mommy and Daddy” rendezvous point, the question got me thinking.

A lot. 

I suppose I could have painted the picture to my precocious little granddaughter in any number of ways.

As I reflected a little more about a better answer, it came to me in the form of a question.

“How BIG do you need Him to be?” should have been my reply.  

It certainly is a question to which all of us can relate and one in which we can find a dose of hope.

  • BIG ENOUGH to fix a boo-boo.
  • BIG ENOUGH to give thanks for dinner.
  • BIG ENOUGH  to mend a broken heart.
  • BIG ENOUGH  to give wisdom to one who asks.
  • BIG ENOUGH to draw one who has strayed closer to Him.
  • BIG ENOUGH to provide where provision is not seen.
  • BIG ENOUGH to allow one to fill-in-the-blank.

The list is infinite.

In the mind of a three year old the answer is SIMPLE.

Perhaps you and I can dial into the lesson here instead of over-complicating the obvious.

I can’t wait for round two when the army of one, Danalyn and Garrett’s twenty month old cousin, Naomi, descends on our shores this coming weekend.  More insights should follow.  More lessons should be learned.

“God can do anything, you know—far more than you could ever imagine or guess or request in your wildest dreams! He does it not by pushing us around but by working within us, his Spirit deeply and gently within us.” (Ephesians 3:20-21 The Message)

In closing, the question I pose is this – How BIG do you need Him to be? 


Please note: I reserve the right to delete comments that are offensive or off-topic.

2 thoughts on “Big Enough

  1. How precious! It’s amazing how insightful the questions from innocent children can be and how much they can get us thinking. God (as always and of course!) was right – we must become like little children and you perfectly illustrated why! Enjoy part two this weekend!!

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